What can you expect from us?
After our initial contact, you’ll simply send me a copy of your manuscript in a Word document with no obligation for either of us. I will determine whether you’re ready for editing, need major revisions, or if another editor would be a better fit for you.
If your book is ready for my editing, I’ll provide you with the price and Agreement for Services. Your first payment of 50% is due with the signed agreement, and your second payment is due when your final edit is completed. Turn-around time for editing is approximately thirty days.
What will it cost?
Editing is three to five cents per word ($0.03 to $0.05), based on your original document and the time required to polish it to near perfection.
You may have heard the terms developmental edit, copyediting, line editing, proofreading, etc. Many editors have different charges for each type and will provide a quote after seeing a sample, only to contact you later saying you need additional costly services. I need to see your entire manuscript because I’ve often found the first few chapters are nearly perfect, the middle could use some help, and the ending needs several revisions.
I charge ONE price for your full edit and proofing. I treat people the way I would want to be treated. You don’t care if I charge $30 per hour or $0.03 per word — you just want to know what it will cost before you commit, right?
After I’ve completed your editing, my associate, a veteran Graphic Artist, will collaborate with us to create your custom cover design. This is the first thing a potential reader sees and within seconds decides whether to read the back cover or look inside.
He will also format the first few chapters so you can approve the interior design of your book. Once you approve, he will complete the formatting and layout at which time both you and I will carefully go through every line to make certain it is as close to perfect as possible. You will also know exactly what his charges will be before the process begins and make three equal installments to him during your production process.
What we expect from you?
The three of us are a team. Your prompt response is required to gain input or approval to proceed during this process. We have scheduled our time for you and promised others we would start their projects on a certain date.
After the initial edit, you’ll receive your manuscript with tracked changes, questions and comments. When you complete and return this, I’ll do the final edit to incorporate your changes which you will approve prior to the production step.
While in production, you’ll need to collaborate on the cover design, approve the layout, etc.
2022 © Donnella Rose Looger, Inc.